Fellowship in a Local Church #1 08/20/23 Fellowship in a Local Church #2 09/10/23 Fellowship in a Local Church #3 09/17/23
Looking for Peace?
Life is hard. Life is frustrating. Life is stressful. Life is confusing. Life is unfair. Life is cruel. Life hurts. We all know how difficult and painful life can be. Do you ever wonder if there is a way to escape it or at least a better way to cope? Is it possible to have inner peace… [Read more]
How do You Explain the Bible?
The Bible is hard to explain. How do you explain the unity of the Bible? The books of the Bible were written over a period of about two thousand years by about forty men. These men lived in different countries and worked in different occupations. Yet, how do you explain the unity of the Bible’s… [Read more]
The Letter to the Romans
How can a sinful human be right with the most holy God? The most extensive answer to this question is found in the letter to the Romans. Though written to Christians living in Rome in the mid first century, Paul’s masterpiece on salvation by faith in Christ is timeless. Though laden with some of the… [Read more]
Coping with Life with God Sermon Series
There is not a person who has ever lived who has not had to deal with turmoil and difficulty in their lives. The individuals we encounter in the Bible are no exception to this truth. This insightful and practical series presented by Phillip Mullins explores how to properly cope with life’s various challenges from within… [Read more]
A Study of the Book of Philippians
Listen to a four week study of the New Testament book of Paul’s letter to the church at Phillipi. This study, conducted by Earl Metcalf, is a textual study of the book intended to help us learn more about the joy we have in Jesus Christ and how that should affect those who seek to… [Read more]
Hope – You Can’t Live Or Die Without It A man will start across a desert if he knows there is water on the other side. A cancer patient will suffer through the pain and discomfort of radiation or chemotherapy if she thinks there is a cure to follow. A laborer will toil long hours… [Read more]
Are Your Ears On?
“He who has ears to hear,let him hear!”Matthew 11:15 (NKJV) Antennas perform a quiet, subtle but very valuable service. They pick up signals right out of thin air. Those signals are there whether we detect them or not. Antennas are designed in such a way to be in tune to cell phone, radio, or other types of signals flashing through… [Read more]
The Geography of the New Testament
In this Wednesday evening auditorium class the entire church engaged in an interactive, multi-generational study of the geography of the New Testament. This class is designed to give us a greater understanding and appreciation of the historicity of the Bible, demonstrating that the places, people and events spoken of in the Bible are not fables,… [Read more]
A Study of the Letter to the Colossians
We invite you to join us in our Sunday morning auditorium class as we go through a seven week study of the New Testament book of Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae. This study, conducted by Les Wicker, is intended to help us learn about the true identity of Jesus Christ and what that… [Read more]