We invite you to join us in 2024 as we read and study through the prophets of the Old Testament. It is very easy to dismiss these ancient writings as outdated and impractical, especially for us who live in a culture and society well over 2000 years removed from the days these men preached to… [Read more]
How Can I Know that I Have Been Saved?
A New Life
A New Life – What Happens When You Become a Christian? First of all, it is a choice. But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, Romans 6:17-18 When a person hears the good… [Read more]
The Nature of God and the Gospel of John
This study from the gospel of John specifically explores the nature of who God is and how He has demonstrated Himself to us in John’s gospel. Introduction 10/01/23Chapter 1 10/15/23Chapter 1 Continued – Mike Youngblood 10/22/23Chapters 2-4 10/29/23Chapter 4-5 11/05/23Chapter 5-6 11/12/23Chapter 7-8 11/19/23Chapter 9-10 11/26/23Chapter 11-12 12/03/23Chapter 13-14 12/10/23Chapter 16-17 12/17/23Chapter 18-20 12/24/23
The Epistles of John
We invite you to join us each Wednesday evening through the months of October through December for a nine lesson study in the epistles of John. This study examines the text in light of false teachings that were prevalent in the time in which these epistles were written, as well as making practical applications to… [Read more]
Sermon Series: Fellowship in a Local Church
Fellowship in a Local Church #1 08/20/23 Fellowship in a Local Church #2 09/10/23 Fellowship in a Local Church #3 09/17/23
Looking for Peace?
Life is hard. Life is frustrating. Life is stressful. Life is confusing. Life is unfair. Life is cruel. Life hurts. We all know how difficult and painful life can be. Do you ever wonder if there is a way to escape it or at least a better way to cope? Is it possible to have inner peace… [Read more]
How do You Explain the Bible?
The Bible is hard to explain. How do you explain the unity of the Bible? The books of the Bible were written over a period of about two thousand years by about forty men. These men lived in different countries and worked in different occupations. Yet, how do you explain the unity of the Bible’s… [Read more]
The Letter to the Romans
How can a sinful human be right with the most holy God? The most extensive answer to this question is found in the letter to the Romans. Though written to Christians living in Rome in the mid first century, Paul’s masterpiece on salvation by faith in Christ is timeless. Though laden with some of the… [Read more]
Coping with Life with God Sermon Series
There is not a person who has ever lived who has not had to deal with turmoil and difficulty in their lives. The individuals we encounter in the Bible are no exception to this truth. This insightful and practical series presented by Phillip Mullins explores how to properly cope with life’s various challenges from within… [Read more]