Jesus Christ did not just encounter individuals as He lived and taught during His life on this earth. He continued to encounter men and women through the message of the gospel which was taught by His chosen apostles throughout the book of Acts. He continues to encounter men and women today through the inspired teaching of the Bible message. Study with us as we examine these exchanges that were recorded for us in this wonderful book, and in turn encounter Jesus Himself.
Lesson One 01/02/22
Lesson Two -The Council 01/05/22
Lesson Three – Simon and the Samaritans (Zoom Format) 01/12/22
Saul 01/19/22
Cornelius and His Household 01/23/22
Lydian and Her Household 01/26/22
Jailer at Philippi 01/30/22
The Ephesians and Felix 02/02/22